Personal Development and Relationship Health Education
Personal Development & Relationship Health Education is taught throughout a child's time at St Patrick's. Each subject is taught in alternating half terms across the year.
What is special to St Patrick's?
Equipping our children with the skills they need to keep themselves safe is paramount at St Patrick's. Alongside our curriculum, we regularly consider the local context of our school and ensure that our curriculum addresses current strengths and areas for concern. To do this, we listen to our children and families; we work with the ABC Hub and local partner schools and we work with external agencies and community groups.
We want our children to understand their emotions and feelings; to know how to handle big feelings; to understand that everyone needs help sometimes, and to know how to get help from a safe person when they need it.
Personal Development: The Personal, Social, Health and Education curriculum covers body hygiene, healthy eating, dental hygiene, road safety, care of the body, avoidance of the misuse of drugs, safety, aspects of social and emotional behaviour, respect and tolerance for others.
Through our Personal Development curriculum we aim to develop positive attitudes and values that influence healthy patterns of behaviour, to explore and understand feelings, attitudes and values and to equip pupils with the skills to make informed choices.
It is our aim that St Patrick's pupils will become informed, active and responsible global citizens who will play a positive role in shaping our society for the good. We strive to create an inclusive community where child well-being is at the centre, in order for every child to develop self-confidence, positive values and a caring attitude towards others.
Our Personal Development Curriculum is taught using the Primary Scheme of Work - Pol-Ed by West Yorkshire Police.
RHE: The aim of our Catholic Relationship Health Education is rooted in a particular context, that Catholic Christianity is a living tradition of lifelong learning in the knowledge and love of God. The children learn about themselves, their relationships with others and the world; in the context of their relationship to God as their beginning and their end, their origin and destiny.
Our RHE Curriculum is taught using Ten Ten, 'Life to the Full.' Visit the Parent Portal to find out more. Please ask the school office if you do not have the current log in details.
Virtues: Alongside our Personal Development, RHE and RE Curriculums, we have chosen a number of Catholic virtues from those suggested by Leeds Diocese, which are taught across the year. These have been specially selected to enhance and reinforce our teaching across the curriculum.
Virtues Year One
Autumn First Half Term: Respect/Courtesy
Autumn Second Half Term: Hope
Spring First Half Term: Faith
Spring Second Half Term: Forgiveness
Summer First Half Term: Honesty
Summer Second Half Term: Resilience
Virtues Year Two
Autumn First Half Term: Respect/Courtesy
Autumn Second Half Term: Prayer
Spring First Half Term: Love of Neighbour
Spring Second Half Term: Compassion
Summer First Half Term: Trust
Summer Second Half Term: Resilience
British Values: The fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs are reinforced regularly.